Author: pestcontrolstar

Eco-Friendly Mouse Control

Eco-Friendly Mouse Control

“Controlling Mice may seem a simple task…until your home is invaded by a litter of a dozen wily mice and those old fashioned  traps just don’t catch your crafty, “fecal-spreading” house companions. Those electronic repellents aren’t working, and your friends enjoy bowling with acorns at late hours of the night.”

Most of the rodenticides available to consumers contain multi-feed poisons; simply meaning a mouse must eat a heaping amount on several occasions in order to obtain a lethal dosage. That is…if only the mouse would eat it in the first place! While mice aren’t the pickiest of eaters,  your hunk of poison-infused wax may not be very enticing. And that packaging probably isn’t very pet safe so- watch where you put that tray of pellets before Fido snacks on them. (We employ Tamper Resistant, locking Stations made in the U.S.A.)

Call a professional. They have access to more effective (and environmentally conscious) products that the general public can’t purchase and they have to follow strict E.P.A. Guidelines when treating your home. (PEST CONTROL STAR uses a new Exterior Bait that minimizes secondary poisoning to birds and other non-target predators.) Most importantly, they have experience in mouse habits and finding the most effective solutions to provide faster, lasting results (including “Excluder Fabric” to keep pests out for good!).

Call 508-963-1294 or submit an inquiry today.

Mosquito and Tick Control in Rutland, MA

mister mosquito2

You’ve burned your citronella candles and might feel helpless against these blood sucking insects. There are a few highly ways to minimize ticks and mosquitoes in your yard.

Is your backyard a breeding ground? Mosquitoes and Ticks prefer shaded areas of the yard to avoid dehydration. Mosquitoes require moist habitats to breed. An old bucket, stagnant bird baths and clogged gutters (as well as old tires) are all breeding grounds. The first step in controlling Mosquitoes is to address these issues.

Ticks have fewer moisture requirements but prefer tall grass/thick shrubbery, stone walls, leaf litter and brush piles. Keeping grass mowed will make your yard less inviting. Controlling rodents is also important as mice provide a meal for developing ticks (exterior mouse baiting available).

Finally, shrubs, shaded areas, and the perimeter of the yard can be treated using a combination of an Adulticide and a Growth Regulator to address all stages of tick development. A Blower-Mister is the most efficient means to treat these sites as it penetrates foliage to provide consistent coverage especially at the underside of leaves where mosquitoes rest. A granular application will not yield the same results.

The final aspect of avoiding Tick and Mosquito Borne illnesses is AWARENESS. Use caution when traversing into woods or tall grass. Check your pants after working outdoors. Apply a repellent to discourage mosquitoes, or better yet- cover up in long sleeves, pants and a hat+net.

Contact PEST CONTROL STAR  for Mosquito and Tick Treatments in MA at 508-963-1294


Using the most effective products and equipment is the key to our success. We combine  Bifenthrin with an Insect Growth Regulator (Nyguard IGR). Stihl Blower Misters apply a targeted mist to all areas prone to infestation. Treatment sites include: Yard Perimeter/Woodline, Stone Walls, Shrubbery/Foliage, Mulch Beds, Leaf Litter/Brush Piles, etc.  Mosquitoes & Ticks prefer cover and shaded areas of the yard so treating the grass isn’t always necessary.  In a recent study, 67% of ticks in the yard were found at the perimeter/first two feet of wood line, so we target this zone. 

*Products will not harm established plants. Please notify us of any edible plants/trees to avoid. 

What about organics?

Organic Mosquito Control companies have gained popularity primarily because there is no licensing required in MA. While most organic products have quasi-proven short term results, our exclusive Mosquito and Tick Protection Program affects entire generations of insects.

Is It Safe for My Children/Pets and the Environment?

You may resume normal use of your yard one hour after the application. Both products are low dose/low odor and water based. Our Growth Regulator has “Reduced Risk Status” with the E.P.A. for its “low impact on human health, lower toxicity to non-target organisms and low potential for ground water contamination.” We also take precautions to avoid flowering plants that attract honey bees and conduct applications in the evening or early morning. Please be sure to put away toys/pet dishes in the yard and close windows on the first floor during/immediately following application.

How Long Does It Last?

Our products have a residual life of 30-45 days when applied outside. The product is photo-stable meaning sunlight will not degrade the effects unlike other insecticides. Treatments will render entire generations of Mosquitoes and Ticks sterile REDUCING breeding and population (NOTE: this is not mosquito “elimination” and complete control is not feasible. Treatments are scheduled 30 days apart and 3 treatments provide optimal results.